The WBR Clarification Conversation
What is Whole-Being Realization (WBR)?
Whole-being realization is a fundamental shift in Being which resides at the heart of Trillium Awakening teachings and practice. This shift is sometimes referred to simply as “awakening.” Historically, when our work was still called Waking Down in Mutuality, the shift was named “second birth” and is still occasionally referred to in that way by some of the more longer-term Trillium teachers and practitioners.
While awakenings are as unique as the individuals having them, there are specific, distinct qualities and experiences that characterize whole-being realization in the Trillium path - qualities which can be recognized, named, articulated, explored, and sensed.
Whole-being realization is a fundamental shift in Being which resides at the heart of Trillium Awakening teachings and practice. This shift is sometimes referred to simply as “awakening.” Historically, when our work was still called Waking Down in Mutuality, the shift was named “second birth” and is still occasionally referred to in that way by some of the more longer-term Trillium teachers and practitioners.
While awakenings are as unique as the individuals having them, there are specific, distinct qualities and experiences that characterize whole-being realization in the Trillium path - qualities which can be recognized, named, articulated, explored, and sensed.
Whole Being Realization (also known as second birth): Awakening into non-separate conscious embodiment. Consciousness paradoxically fuses into feeling-union with the body-mind, becomes self-aware as the Core Paradox, and realizes its existential nature as the same essence with all that is. While this is a permanent shift of one’s experience of the ground of Being, it requires integration over time that may be categorized into early, middle and late stages for its fullness to be realized. (from the glossary of terms)
What is the Clarifying Conversation and Who are the Clarifiers?
A Clarifying Conversation consists of a gentle but discerning inquiry into the nature of your awakening including the dimensions of consciousness, embodiment, mutuality and non-separation/Onliness. Working with a Clarifier can help you recognize aspects of being that have made a fundamental shift, and others that are not yet stable or
consistently accessible and could use further inquiry or practice.
For many years, Sandra Glickman and Van Nguyen were the two, long-standing teachers in our work who met with students to help them sense into these characteristic qualities and clarify where they might be in their realization process. More recently, six additional seasoned Trillium teachers were trained on the process of whole-being realization clarification, giving us a total of eight "ordained" Clarifiers.
For more information, visit the Trillium Awakening Teacher's Circle Web Page.
A Clarifying Conversation consists of a gentle but discerning inquiry into the nature of your awakening including the dimensions of consciousness, embodiment, mutuality and non-separation/Onliness. Working with a Clarifier can help you recognize aspects of being that have made a fundamental shift, and others that are not yet stable or
consistently accessible and could use further inquiry or practice.
For many years, Sandra Glickman and Van Nguyen were the two, long-standing teachers in our work who met with students to help them sense into these characteristic qualities and clarify where they might be in their realization process. More recently, six additional seasoned Trillium teachers were trained on the process of whole-being realization clarification, giving us a total of eight "ordained" Clarifiers.
For more information, visit the Trillium Awakening Teacher's Circle Web Page.
Whole Being Clarifier: A Trillium Awakening teacher who conducts informational conversations to help students clarify if and when they have experienced the shift known as Whole Being Realization. Affirmative results are a prerequisite for most advanced “awakened life” courses. The conversation itself is referred to as a “Whole Being Clarifying Conversation” (i.e., Second Birth interview).
Why Bother Having a WBR Clarifying Conversation?
A clarifying conversation can help you to claim your awakening, which is a significant process in its own right. Claiming one's awakening with a witness and within community can take the new realization to yet another level, and can be a powerful initiatory transition. Being openly seen and welcomed in our full, awakened wholeness by "elders" and others in the work can help the realization land even more deeply in our being.
It is common for practitioners to take many months before feeling ready to claim their awakening. For one thing, whole-being realization never turns out to be what you expect. In fact, when people say "Wow, this is not what I expected it would be!" it's actually an encouraging sign. But because awakening is different and often much more subtle than anticipated, it may take a while to see and accept how your awakening is actually showing up in your life. This is where working regularly with a Trillium teacher can be helpful - they can point out markers of awakening that you might not otherwise recognize as significant, and help you deepen or anchor them along the way.
On the other hand, you could experience your awakening as quite vivid as self-evident, and might feel there's no need to have it externally validated, especially by someone perceived as an "authority figure." Or, you might feel very tender or vulnerable about your awakening, and may not be ready to talk to other people about it for quite a while. There are many valid reasons for not engaging a Clarifying Conversation, either initially, or at all.
It's worth noting, however, there have been consistent reports from people who did engage a Clarifying Conversation, even if reluctantly, exclaiming how helpful it was to them. These reports came from people who were confident about their realization as well as from those who felt uncertain about their process and whether they've "awakened" or not. Some of the benefits they experienced include:
Finally, the Clarifying Conversation is a prerequisite for taking Trillium's Advanced Courses for whole-being realizers. (Note: these Advanced courses are requirement for for those who wish to go further and become a TA mentor and/or teacher)
A clarifying conversation can help you to claim your awakening, which is a significant process in its own right. Claiming one's awakening with a witness and within community can take the new realization to yet another level, and can be a powerful initiatory transition. Being openly seen and welcomed in our full, awakened wholeness by "elders" and others in the work can help the realization land even more deeply in our being.
It is common for practitioners to take many months before feeling ready to claim their awakening. For one thing, whole-being realization never turns out to be what you expect. In fact, when people say "Wow, this is not what I expected it would be!" it's actually an encouraging sign. But because awakening is different and often much more subtle than anticipated, it may take a while to see and accept how your awakening is actually showing up in your life. This is where working regularly with a Trillium teacher can be helpful - they can point out markers of awakening that you might not otherwise recognize as significant, and help you deepen or anchor them along the way.
On the other hand, you could experience your awakening as quite vivid as self-evident, and might feel there's no need to have it externally validated, especially by someone perceived as an "authority figure." Or, you might feel very tender or vulnerable about your awakening, and may not be ready to talk to other people about it for quite a while. There are many valid reasons for not engaging a Clarifying Conversation, either initially, or at all.
It's worth noting, however, there have been consistent reports from people who did engage a Clarifying Conversation, even if reluctantly, exclaiming how helpful it was to them. These reports came from people who were confident about their realization as well as from those who felt uncertain about their process and whether they've "awakened" or not. Some of the benefits they experienced include:
- The Clarifying Conversation helped them look at different dimensions of their realization and deepen it in unexpected and powerful ways.
- They felt deeply seen and affirmed, which allowed them to claim and occupy their awakening with more confidence.
- The Conversation helped illuminate what whole-being realization is and isn't, and provided an important context for their awakening experience and where they are currently "located," including areas that could use more growth.
Finally, the Clarifying Conversation is a prerequisite for taking Trillium's Advanced Courses for whole-being realizers. (Note: these Advanced courses are requirement for for those who wish to go further and become a TA mentor and/or teacher)
How to Request a Clarifying Conversation?
When you feel ready to see where you are in your awakening process, you can contact Sandra Glickman who will assign one of the Clarifiers to work with you!
When you feel ready to see where you are in your awakening process, you can contact Sandra Glickman who will assign one of the Clarifiers to work with you!