
TA Oly Snow Play Group
A great time was had by all at White Pass on Saturday, February 1. It snowed lightly and the wind was calm compared to the storm warning in effect.
It you'd like to be invited to, or help plan the next outing, let Joy know!
A great time was had by all at White Pass on Saturday, February 1. It snowed lightly and the wind was calm compared to the storm warning in effect.
It you'd like to be invited to, or help plan the next outing, let Joy know!

Deep Feminine Journey
with Joanne Lee
a Trillium-related, guided meditation
Although this meditation is not a core Trillium teaching, it supports the conscious embodiment process by exploring our rootedness deep into the Earth.
Please enjoy this free meditation. If you appreciate it, let Joanne Lee know!
with Joanne Lee
a Trillium-related, guided meditation
Although this meditation is not a core Trillium teaching, it supports the conscious embodiment process by exploring our rootedness deep into the Earth.
Please enjoy this free meditation. If you appreciate it, let Joanne Lee know!
For upcoming events visit our Home Page and Olympia & NW Events page!
Honoring our newest teacher!

Debi Bailey completed all the training requirements and the lengthy application process to become a Trillium Awakening interning teacher, and was unanimously voted in by the Trillium Awakening Teachers Circle in January 2024!
A warm and wide heart, generous nature, and commitment to serving others are among Debi's many gifts. Her years as a parenting educator and certified counselor have honed her capacity to be with others in a deep and supportive way. We appreciate her stepping forward into more leadership in the Olympia community, and and look forward to watching her grow and flourish in her new role of supporting spiritual aspirants.
A warm and wide heart, generous nature, and commitment to serving others are among Debi's many gifts. Her years as a parenting educator and certified counselor have honed her capacity to be with others in a deep and supportive way. We appreciate her stepping forward into more leadership in the Olympia community, and and look forward to watching her grow and flourish in her new role of supporting spiritual aspirants.
The international Trillium Awakening community has many online offerings every week. For more information:
"In response to the killing of George Floyd, and the recognition that he is just the latest of hundreds of years of lives sacrificed on the altar of white supremacy, racism and violence, Olympia's Trillium Awakening teachers stand with Black Lives Matter. Our three fold path holds within it the intrinsic recognition of:
Consciousness — Our True Nature is One with all beings regardless of skin color, economic status, ability, and other marginalized qualities.
Embodiment — Our embodied hearts break for the ongoing pain and suffering inflicted upon all people of color and for our role in causing this pain. We acknowledge action must be taken to change how oppression operates within in ourselves and within our society.
Mutuality — Our deeply held value of mutuality compels us to devote our energy to continually educate our selves, listen deeply to people of color (and to members of other marginalized groups), and take action to create change as we are each uniquely moved.
We dedicate our actions to our continued awakening and the awakening of humanity. This inevitably includes awakening to our own and society’s racism and other categories of embedded oppression."
Written by Margit Bantowsky, Joanne Lee and Kirstin Eventyr
Consciousness — Our True Nature is One with all beings regardless of skin color, economic status, ability, and other marginalized qualities.
Embodiment — Our embodied hearts break for the ongoing pain and suffering inflicted upon all people of color and for our role in causing this pain. We acknowledge action must be taken to change how oppression operates within in ourselves and within our society.
Mutuality — Our deeply held value of mutuality compels us to devote our energy to continually educate our selves, listen deeply to people of color (and to members of other marginalized groups), and take action to create change as we are each uniquely moved.
We dedicate our actions to our continued awakening and the awakening of humanity. This inevitably includes awakening to our own and society’s racism and other categories of embedded oppression."
Written by Margit Bantowsky, Joanne Lee and Kirstin Eventyr
Honoring our newest, but not so new mentor!

Jim Hutcheon completed all the training requirements and the lengthy application process to become a Trillium Awakening mentor, and was unanimously voted in by the Trillium Awakening Teachers Circle in March 2021!
A warm and wide heart, generous nature, and commitment to serving others are among Jim's many gifts. His years as a college professor and service on the Board of Directors of the Olympia Food Co-op have honed his leadership skills. He has been serving the Olympia TA community as our Lead Link as well as in various other leadership roles. He has a deep capacity to be with others in a supportive way. We appreciate him stepping forward into this new role, and and look forward to watching him grow and flourish as a mentor.
A warm and wide heart, generous nature, and commitment to serving others are among Jim's many gifts. His years as a college professor and service on the Board of Directors of the Olympia Food Co-op have honed his leadership skills. He has been serving the Olympia TA community as our Lead Link as well as in various other leadership roles. He has a deep capacity to be with others in a supportive way. We appreciate him stepping forward into this new role, and and look forward to watching him grow and flourish as a mentor.
Red Lion Talks
Olympia Trillium teachers Joanne Lee and Margit Bantowsky gave three one-hour talks at Olympia Red Lion Hotel's "Living Stage" on the topics of:
- What is Consciousness?
- Radical Embodiment
- Explorations in Mutuality