Trillium Awakening Immersion
Surrendering into Present Moment Awareness
2-day workshop
with Max & Tatini Goler
Saturday & Sunday, June 3-4, 2017
Open evening sitting Friday, June 2
2-Day Immersion
Saturday & Sunday, June 3-4, 2017 10:00 am - 5:30 pm |
Open Evening Sitting
Friday, June 2 6 - 9 pm |
In this process of ever-deepening movement into the paradox of being simultaneously sourced in infinite consciousness and expressed in the finite manifest, we get to recognize and acknowledge in ever deeper levels the full range of the present moment which is fundamentally an ocean of silence and joy and the most exquisite manifestation of our unique life force expression.
To access present moment awareness we invite you to join us to explore the subtleties of your Whole-Body Felt-Sense of Presence. Recognize the continuum of your “story” as this moment arises out of the prior moment and moves into the next moment. Harvest the dynamic tension inherent in the present moment, know that Being wants to experience itself through you - as you. Learn to trust your body and it’s felt sense in the present moment to be the anchor you can ground in and give you the information for your next “NOW. Or in other words, trust your lifeforce to reveal through the felt sense of the body, your “destiny”. We invite the experience of:
Our time together will include transmission through silence and gazing, heart-felt sharing, interactive dyads, body movement and nectar time. More General description: Trillium Awakening Immersion Experience awakened embodied consciousness and the deeply felt concrete relief and inner peace when you welcome and embrace more and more of all that you are and thus deepen your connection to and trust in Being. Learn how to simultaneously cultivate deep caring whole-being awareness and receptivity. In our time together, we will hold you and provide assistance in your ongoing exploration of the core wound/mystery, energetic patterns of family of origin wounding, and cultural overlays. We will also hold and explore with you the joy and expansion that unfolds as you begin to feel and acknowledge that which wants to emerge as your unique expression and gift to the world. Investigating and fully embodying those parts of us that we have been reluctant to acknowledge or that were simply not in our conscious awareness, is an important and catalytic part of spiritual transformation. |
Workshop Cost:
Friday Night Sitting
To reserve your seat for either the Friday night sitting, or the 2-day immersion, please contact Alice Sharrett Individual Sessions
Max and Tatini are available for one-on-one sessions on Friday, June 2. Sliding Scale: $40 - $80 Please contact the registrar, Alice Sharrett, to schedule your session! |